So, you have traffic flowing to your website but aren’t converting as much as you’d like to?
In this article I shall cover 8 essential landing page elements to dramatically increase conversions for your businesses website online.

Although there are no strict rules to creating a landing page (your page should be tailored to the businesses specific needs), there are common characteristics that should be employed in most websites, whether your aim is to have customers making a purchase, handing over their email address or submitting a form.

1. The Main and Supporting Headline

When someone visits your site, the first things they will see are the main and supporting headlines. For this reason, your headline needs to be clear and concise, summing up perfectly what you have to offer.

Headline tips:

  • Make it stand out – you want to grab your visitor’s attention!
  • Make it informative – they should know exactly what your service offers!
  • Short and to the point – don’t bore people with a lengthy statement, 20 words MAX.

Supporting headline

  • This can be an extension of the main headline, like finishing a sentence, or raise a point that supports the primary headline.
  • Talk about what your visitor’s results will be – don’t talk about yourself.

2. Unique Selling Point (USP)

Clearly define why your business stands out above the competition using ‘the voice of the customer’. Every selling point needs to be emphasised from the customer’s perspective, here we’re not boasting about how technically impressive your service may be, or how many clients you have. You need to clearly state why your service will benefit the customer as an individual or business.

USP tips:

  • Use language that is easily understood, tailored to your target audience
  • Clearly define why you’re better than your competitors.
  • Use emotionally charged language to peak your visitors interest.

3. Key benefits

Directly after the USP’s you should highlight the benefits of your service in detail. This should answer any questions your visitor may have, especially regarding what it is that you can offer for them.

Key Benefit tips:

  • Bullet points are a great way to clearly state each aspect of the service you provide.
  • Here we are describing a problem, and how your service will solve it.
  • Again, match your use of language to that of your target audience’s.

4. Visual Representation

A visual representation of your product is crucial to maintaining your visitors interest.
Having images or a video which clearly sums up what your service is about will give your landing page a more human, relatable touch.

Visual Representation tips:

  • If it’s a product you’re selling, have a picture which clearly shows your product being used in the right context.
  • Pictures should be large and have an impact.
  • Use high quality footage!
  • Use pictures of happy, smiling people. These types of images result in the highest conversion rates.
  • People featured in your footage should represent your target audience. Remember we want the customers to relate to the visual representation.

5. Social Proof

Including social proof on your landing page will re-assure visitors that people have used your services and trust your business. Visitors are more likely to convert to customers if they see that your service has worked previously for an existing customer. As well as customer reviews and testimonials, here is a great opportunity to show awards from reputable organisations. *A study conducted by Zendesk shows that 88% of buying decisions were influenced by reviews.

Social Proof tips:

  • Reviews from social media platforms are perceived to be the most ‘trustworthy’.
  • Choose the reviews which best favour your service (obviously).
  • As well as on the landing page, email opt-in pages are a great place to have social proof.

6. Reinforcing Statement

About half way down your landing page is a perfect opportunity to reinforce your headline and supporting headline arguments. A ‘mid-experience’ reminder of why your service is the right one to choose.

Reinforcing Statement tips:

  • Don’t just repeat what has already been said.
  • Stay clear and concise.
  • More power words.

7. Closing argument

Here is your last chance to get the message across. Like the reinforcing statement, the closing argument should support your headlines, and really sum up how your customers will be better off using your service over your competitors.

Closing Argument tip:

  • The closing argument is most effective when coupled with the call to action.

8. Call to Action

This is where the magic happens…

The call to action is an essential element for getting conversions, it needs to stand out from the rest of the page! You want your visitors to feel compelled to follow the link or submit the form.

Call to Action tips:

  • It should be clear what further action is required by the visitor to engage with your business.
  • Not all fields need to be mandatory! Don’t pressure the visitor into giving details which they may not feel comfortable handing out (personal info).
  • Only make mandatory what is essential for the next part of their journey with you.
  • Follow up on your call to action swiftly. Nobody likes waiting, wait too long and they may go elsewhere!